Call-in Request Form

This form must be completed and signed by THREE City of York Councillors and MUST be returned to Democratic Services within 5 working days of the decision being published (not including the day of publication).

Decision taker:


Date of publication of decision:


Title of Decision Called in:

Advertising Contract

Date Decision Called in:





Tick which reason applies


Decision contrary to the policy framework?



Decision contrary to or not wholly consistent with the budget?



Decision is Key but it has not been dealt with in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.



Decision does not follow principles of good decision-making set out in Article 7 of the Council’s Constitution.



If reason 4, please tick which specific element of Article 7 the decision maker has not followed, did he or she not:



Meaningfully consider all alternatives and, where reasonably possible, consider the views of the public.




Understand and keep to the legal requirements regulating their power to make decisions.




Take account of all relevant matters, both in general and specific, and ignore any irrelevant matters.




Act wholly for proper purpose and/or in the interests of the public.




Keep to the rules relating to local government finance.




Follow procedures correctly and be fair.




Make sure they are properly authorised to make the decisions.




Take appropriate professional advice from Officers.



Detailed Reason(s) for Call-in.

Please explain below why one of the reasons for call-in applies (e.g. for number 1- which major policy affected and how/why).


PLEASE NOTE:  If you wish to produce and rely on significant supplementary, external evidence in support of your reasons for this call-in it must be provided to Democratic Services prior to the publication of the agenda.  It will not be permissible to introduce and rely upon evident at the meeting without it being subject to prior circulation unless by consent of the Chair.



4c – The report did not set out the difficulties that previous applicants that have applied for free standing digital advertising boards have had in getting their applications approved by the planning department. Therefore, the level of additional advertising revenue that would be achieved in this circumstance was not taken account for when this decision was made.


-       No consideration for the reputational risk of the City of York Council and it’s relationship with key stakeholders in the city (such as manufacturing and tourism stakeholders).


4f – Normal procurement rules have not been followed and there is no justification within the report as to why a waiver was sought and approved to bypass the ordinary procurement processes. This should only be a last-minute emergency provision. The bypassing of the ordinary procurement processes by Executive has to align with the Contract Procedure Rules and there is no justification of how this process has followed those rules or why the waiver has sought and granted.



Name (please print)

Signature (please note that signatures will not be published with the agenda.  Electronic signature will be accepted)



Darryl Smalley

D Smalley



Andrew Hollyer

A Hollyer



Emilie Knight

E Knight



For office use only:


Received on behalf of the Monitoring Officer by: (signature)

Name: Jane Meller

Date: 23/04/24

Time: 15:51


Validation check (if necessary):

Monitoring Officer / Chief Operating Officer


Valid: YES / NO


Reason:         If correct, the pleaded grounds would give rise to a valid reason for                         the report to be reconsidered


Completed by: A signature of a person  Description automatically generated


Date:  24 April 2024

Time:  14:55